Tuesday, August 14, 2007

grains and sugar weaken your immune system

Excerpt from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2007/07/27/echinacea-really-works.aspx

Boosting your own immune system, which is your toughest line of defense against cold viruses and other illnesses. The likelihood of you becoming a victim of the cold virus increases if you are overtired, stressed out, or eating an unhealthy diet, as all of these things can weaken your immune system.

To build your immune system to the point where it can easily fight off cold and flu viruses:
These are all effective strategies -- especially when practiced in combination.

Now cutting out grains might seem extreme, and it certainly isn't for everyone.  However, if you are a protein nutritional type, or struggle with excess weight, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes, there is a strong chance that you will benefit by significantly reducing or eliminating grains.  I know that seems like a radical statement, but that has been my experience.  I also know that if you are hooked on grains, this can be a very difficult choice.  It was for me, but once I did it, it became very easy.

Of course this, like any recommendation, needs to be individualized.  For example, if you are doing massive cardio workouts then you will certainly need extra carbs to balance your energy expenditures.  But generally speaking, limiting grains, even whole grains, is one of the best food choices you can make.

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