Monday, June 02, 2008

Kevin Anglin gives senior address at St Michael's College commencement

Hi Francis,
Congratulations on Kevin's successfully completing college and giving such an excellent commencement speech.  Quite an accomplishment.

Winchester resident gives showstopper senior address at Saint Michael's College Commencement

Winchester Star article, Sun Jun 01, 2008, 08:58 AM EDT

Winchester, MA -

Kevin Eugene Anglin, son of Francis and Eugenia Anglin of Winchester, earned a bachelor's degree in political science from Saint Michael's College at commencement ceremonies May 15, on the campus of the liberal arts residential Catholic college located in the Burlington area of Vermont.

Anglin was selected by his classmates to give the Senior Address at the ceremonies, and he gave a show-stopper speech that held his peers in rapt attention. His principal message was that college should not be the best years of their lives, but that each year into their futures should be better than the last. His speech was characterized by humor, crisp language, and matchless delivery.

Opening with a joke about being the speaker, Anglin said to his classmates, "When you got that e-mail about voting for your commencement speaker, you really should have replied to it."

After a fine rap through a number of jokes, Anglin said, "First: we can't allow these to be the best four years of our lives . . . They were great of course, and while they may have been our best four years to date, they were only in preparation for our best years to come . . . Saint Michael's has instead prepared us so that hopefully each year following this one, will be the best year of our life, creating a wondrous self-reciprocating cycle concluding that when we die, due to medical advancements, at the ripe old age of 227, that will have been the best year of our life."

Saint Michael's College,, founded in 1904 by the Society of St. Edmund and headed by President John J. Neuhauser, is identified by the Princeton Review as one of the nation's Best 366 Colleges. A liberal arts, residential, Catholic college, Saint Michael's is located just outside of Burlington, Vermont, one of America's top college towns, and less than two hours from Montreal.

As one of only 270 institutions nationwide with a prestigious Phi Beta Kappa chapter on campus, Saint Michael's has 2,000 full-time undergraduate students, some 500 graduate students and 200 international students.

In recent years Saint Michael's students and professors have received Rhodes, Woodrow Wilson, Guggenheim, Fulbright, National Science Foundation and other grants, and Saint Michael's professors have been named Vermont Professor of the Year in four of the last seven years. The college is currently listed as one of the nation's Best Liberal Arts Colleges in the 2008 U.S. News & World Report rankings.

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